Masthead - The masthead in this magazine is NME it is done in big bold black letters within the vibrant orange back ground of the magazine, this stands outs to the audience so they can easily notice the brand.
Datelines - The NME magazines datelines are located in the bottom right hand corner as are most magazines |generally put it.But with this latest issue the date line is under the brand "20th October 2012"
Main image- The main image in this NME magazine is of the band Muse. They are all dressed very casual with the black leather jackets and jeans this seems to work well with the background, because wearing black makes them stand out more to catch the customers eyes.
Cover lines- The cover lines in this magazine are on the left hand side going down like a list to catch the customers eyes.The names of the bands are done in black font on a white background. A recent interesting story about them is put under it to persuade you even more to purchase the magazine.
Main cover line- The main cover line on the NME magazine is related to the main image of Muse. This is done in a white font again to stand out in the orange background .The cover line is sorta vague in what it means by "welcome to our new spaceship!" it could mean they are releasing a new album or going on a tour, this does peak interest to the customers into buying the magazine as they may want to know what is going on.
Codes and conventions- The magazines bar code,price and issue number are all located in the bottom right hand corner where magazines normally place it, but in this latest issue the price is also under the brand with the dateline in a different font. They may have done this to remind the customers that its only £2.40 whereas other magazines are much more expensive.
Audience- The audience for the NME magazine would be based around 15-25 year olds, as this age group would be most interested in the latest news and gossip of bands out there.All the cover lines in the magazine show this, because it gives the latest news on popular bands teenagers are into, from the Rolling stones to the Stone roses.
Representation-The representation in this magazine is of new bands and popular bands and it aims to get the latest information on various stories,new album releases and new tours starting up by bands. The impact on the audience of this magazine issue is very positive as it informs everyone with good news like the Rolling stones returning and the full details on where to see their comeback shows.